Saturday, 30 September 2023

The power of Collaborative Learning


Creating a better future through collaborative learning -TEDx-Maddie Edwards

The power of Collaborative Learning

Collaboration is one of the 4Cs used to inspire our learners. It is one of the 21st-century skills and among the most essential tools in teaching and learning.

According to Unesco, collaboration is a process through which learners at various performance levels work together in small groups toward a common goal. It is a learner-centered approach derived from social learning theories as well as the socio-constructivist perspective on learning.

It can be to work on a separate or shared activity; both contributing to a common goal. The main aim of cooperative learning is not to promote competition in the classroom but to encourage constructive arguments, findings and meaning as learners engage authentically. It is the type of learning where learners collaboratively use their independent powers to relate with their peers authentically. During collaborative learning, learners find answers by working through the process. It is an active process driven by -self-empowerment, mutual respect understanding and teamwork.

Hellen Keller once said" Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

This is exactly what collaborative learning is. Learners brainstorm, learn new ideas, and evaluate options with an outcome that will positively improve learning.

Interested in knowing the benefits of Collaborative learning? Here are they

1. Collaborative learning helps learners cultivate and nurture the habit of self and mutual respect

2. Research has shown that shared learning enables learners to construct meaning

3 Collaboration helps learners to use their strengths and skills to relate authentically with their peers.

4. It promotes confidence in learners as they relate authentically with their peers

5. It promotes team spirit.

5. Collaborative learning makes learning fun. Learners not only learn but enjoy learning as well. This will make them build greater learning interest and enthusiasm

6. Collaborative learning enhances learners' communication skills and the ability to learn from one another.

7. With Collaborative learning, learners build authentic relationships outside the usual classroom friendship.

Thinking about using collaborative learning in your classroom, here are some simple tips

1. Before the lesson, choose a creative learning task. It can be a separate or shared task.

2. Ensure the resources learners will need to effectively engage are available. Communicate with your line manage on time for resources required.

2. Carefully plan the task you will want your learners to engage with; whether a separate task or shared activity, just plan. Ensure the task is such that will enable the learning goal to be achieved.

3. It is advisable to present more than one task to the grouped/paired learners and allow them to choose. Two groups or paired learners can choose the same task and it is fine.

3. Ensure the task will be fun, enhance learning flow and can be achieved within the allotted learning period (do not engage your learners with a boring task that is not achievable).

4. Pair the learners or group them and let them know that they are not competitors but learners who work together to achieve a common goal. Learners should know that they are accountable to each other and should neither work against each other nor individualise the task to achieve the goal. Let them know that it is all about 'We win not I win'.

5. Effectively communicate with your learners. Let the learners know what they are to do .Display the rubrics and the assessment criteria. Do not assume and keep your learners in the dark. That is not part of the deal.

Thinking about some creative collaborative learning activities, here are some

·    Project or research-based learning activities are great ways to promote collaborative learning. They promote interactions which enable learners to think critically and solve problems. These kinds of activities enable learners to conduct some findings on the problem they are solving and encourage active engagement as they work through the process. Both Project and research-based activities are capable of promoting problem-solving skills.

·    Puzzles enable learners to think deeply and find connections or missing links. Puzzles enable learners to work through the process of arriving at the answer.

·    Presentation- enables the paired or group members to actively contribute toward the success of their presentation. They pull resources together to work it out

·    Class discussion is boosts collaborative learning .Here, learners interact effectively to contribute their thoughts and ideas in carrying out their task.

Wondering about your role as a teacher as learners collaborate? Here is the thing

No doubt, collaborative learning reduces stress for the teacher but that does mean you should go on sabbatical. While you enjoy the workload relief, ensure you did not drop your role as a guide. Monitor the groups as they work and check in with individuals. Participate in the feedback on the group work and encourage their efforts by motivating them intrinsically. Reward the process and the outcome. Display their work to inspire them. Above all, maintain discipline in the classroom and ensure no one is victimized by any form of microaggression.

Are there promoters of effective collaborative learning? Yes, here are some factors

1.The belief system that learners should lead learning. Once a teacher's mindset is wired like that, collaborative learning will be possible

2.Teacher awareness- The teacher's knowledge and application of collaborative learning is crucial. That means that if you do not know anything about collaborative learning, you can learn. There are lots of credible free online resources in regard. Workshops and trainings are useful.

3- Learners' awareness - Learners' collaborative learning skills is highly important both in the classroom and in the outside world. The teacher should educate the learners about this skill. They should understand that the skill is not a competition arena but one where everyone learns from each other to achieve a common goal. Learners should know that in collaborative learning, both the process and the outcome are crucial, They should know that the skill is driven by mutual respect and understanding; Nobody should sit down for others to do the work. Everybody must be involved.

4. Availability of technology- The advent of technology proves the possibility of school away from school. It shows that interactive learning is possible with learners in different geographical location- Technology fosters connectedness in learners and It nullifies the fact   that distance is a barrier. We all witnessed the efficacy of technology in the promotion of collaborative learning during the 2020 pandemic

5- Availability of resources- like books, functional library

6- Adequate sitting arrangement.

7. Availability of power

Inhibitors-Here are some of the factors that can inhibit effective collaboration

1.    The belief system that teachers should lead learning-(killer mindset)Learners are not allowed to contribute nor talk during lesson-Knowledge absorbers

2.    Teacher ignorance, Change resistors

3.    Learners' ignorance- Seeing collaborative learning as a competition ground

4.    Lack or poor professional development

5.    Lack of technology

6.    Poor power supply

Additional resources

(Collaborative learning: the science behind it, and why it works)

(Collaborative Learning.The Benefits and Costs)

(All together now: assessing collaboration)


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