Sunday, 8 October 2023

Critical Thinking Skill-Another one of the 4Cs


Brian Oshiro (TEDxXiguan)

Critical thinking is one of the 4Cs used to inspire learning. It is one of the most essential skills in teaching and learning. Critical thinking involves giving a deeper thought to learning. This skill is beyond knowledge absorption, memorization, recalling of facts, and interpretation of information. Critical thinking skills embrace deeper and more creative thoughts that will yield meaningful outputs. 
It is a skill not only applicable in teaching and learning but our everyday lives.

Our learners are neither containers nor knowledge-absorbing materials but rather active individuals capable of meaningful constructions. Therefore they should be taught and allowed to think critically while learning. It is a beautiful thing to allow learners to walk the process before arriving at the answer. Critical thinking skill is one of those skills that will authentically help learners navigate through the process of problem-solving. In a diverse world like ours, critical thinking is one of the skills that we can use to deal with the challenges that come with it.

From the perspective of Walden University, 'Critical thinking goes beyond memorization, encouraging students to connect the dots between concepts, solve problems, think creatively, and apply knowledge in new ways. Despite myths that critical thinking skills are only applicable to subjects like science and math, the reality is that these skills—which are based on the evaluation and application of knowledge—are not only vital for success in all subject areas but everyday life as well

Passive learning has lost its grip, and the era of active learning has come to stay. Our learners need to learn how to think and not what to think.

How then can Critical thinking be taught? Here are some tips

1. A teacher should have a wider knowledge of critical thinking skills and understand Bloom's taxonomy and hierarchical order before he or she can be able to teach the skill to the learners. If you do not have adequate knowledge of critical thinking skills (Lots –Lower Order Critical Thinking Skill and HOTS –Higher Order Critical Thinking Skill), you may not be able to create the right activities that can trigger and promote Critical thinking skills in learners.

2. Encourage learners to lead learning –This will enable you to relinquish the learning power to the learners and stand as a guide. When learners know that their opinion counts, they will learn to take charge by thinking deeply because the responsibility has been conferred on them to lead learning.

3. Use questioning skills–. Socrates emphasised the power behind questioning skills. Questioning skills evoke curiosity in learners. When learners are curious, their opinions are evoked and they begin to look for solutions as they try to solve problems. Open-ended questions are the best. Take time to build your questions, do not settle for state and list, Ask learners questions that will shift them from their comfort thinking zone such as remembering where they can only settle with memorization. Properly created questions with Bloom's taxonomy in mind are capable of pulling learners from lower to higher-order critical thinking skills.

4. Promote decision-making- Learners on the verge of making decisions weigh ideas and options to know which to arrive at.

5. Deploy collaborative learning- This type of learning exposes learners to constructive thought processes as they work together. It can be done through group work and discussion. Learners' thinking is expanded as they discover that there are many ways to solve a problem.

6. Encourage creativity-Spark deep thinking by giving learners what to create, it could be in the form of a project, making of models, presentation, writing, etc

For additional resources on how to teach critical thinking skills, click here-  (Walden University)

Are there benefits of Critical thinking skills? Yes. Click here to learn more 👉THE IMPORTANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN EDUCATION  (Rahul Education)

Additional resources

Critical Thinking  (The Glossary of Education Reform)

Critical Thinking  (Centre for Teaching and Learning- Western University)

A deep dive into critical thinking (part 1) – what is it and how is it taught?  

(Cambridge University Press & Assessment)

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