Saturday, 23 September 2023

Effective Communication .A powerful teaching and learning tool

Click here to watch the videoπŸ’šπŸ‘‰The Art of Effective Communication by Marcus Alexander Velazquez.TEDxWolcottSchool

Communication has been a routine activity of man. We communicate with our family members, friends, colleagues, church members, groups, etc. Teaching and learning; not exempted.

According to the dictionary meaning: Communication is simply imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing and some other medium.

Features of Effective Communication

Mutual respect

In teaching and learning culture, there is something called the Teacher-Learner Relationship. Effective communication is one of the powerful forces that drives this relationship. It is possible for a teacher to just pass and receive information from his or her learners, talk and write for them without effectively communicating. Effective communication is beyond all of that, it involves mutual respect as the entry point, eye contact, body language, and Positive verbal and non-verbal expressions. Respect is in both ways. Teachers are to have respect for learners in their dealings and in turn, receive that from their learners. With respect, learners are greatly valued. Once they are valued, eye contact and body language, verbal and non-expression will be positive. Yeah

I must state here that we need to be careful with our non-verbal expressions because it speaks volume. It can be interpreted wrongly

According to Zig Ziglar "In many ways, effective communication begins with mutual respect, communication that inspires, encourages others to do their best".

When communication is not accompanied with respect, it might be understood as harassment and over time, the person or people involved at the other end might begin to lose interest. In the teaching and learning culture, communication must be carefully handled to make it effective.

Teachers need to communicate effectively with their learners and at the same be ready to allow their learners to communicate with them. It is never a one-man show.

In my years of practice as a teacher, I have taught a lot of learners and most times when you ask them what they admire in teachers, they will tell you that they love the way some teachers or a particular teacher talks to them' That is an undertone feeling of being respected and loved. So communication is a carefully planned concept that must begin with great tone and respect.

Everyone wants to be valued. Word usage tones and body language should be paid attention to.

Effective communication should embrace Listening

Effective communication must involve listening. Both parties must know when to pause talking and listen. This requires self-discipline. Most times in teacher-centered settings, teachers tend to talk more without allowing the students to make any contributions. Learners tend to bottle their opinions in this kind of setting because their opinions do not count much. This is not supposed to be so because, in a communication setting, the voice of both parties matters. So, in the teacher-learner relationship, I encourage teachers to listen to the learners too because they are part of the relationship.

Effective communication should be encouraging, motivating, and inspiring

.The choice of words matters in teaching and learning. In our communication with our students, we should endeavour not to use words or actions that will tear the learning walls down. We should try as much as possible to give feedback that will improve learning. Praise the learners in their areas of achievement, motivate and reward them intrinsically, and encourage them to work on their weaknesses. Words and actions are powerful. With effective communication, we inspire our learners to participate in activities they may ordinarily not want to participate in. There is nothing as powerful as inspiring our learners because it brings out the best in them. Fuel your learners with, encouraging, and inspiring words. Do not forget that. Effective communication should be able to bring out learners from yes or no corners and put them in a platform where they can be able to express themselves. Learners should not be held hostage

Effective communication should foster a positive connection

Communicating with our learners involves building a powerful connection. It is one of the best ways learners positively connect with their teachers and until that link is established, there may not be a smooth flow in learning. Teachers want their learners to understand them and learners want to be understood. So it is not all about talking, talking but effectively interacting with your learners in an inspiring and meaningful way. Effective communication is crucial in a teacher-learner relationship because without it, that link might not be established and learning may not take place as expected.

Mutual understanding

Of what use is communication when both parties do not understand themselves? Teachers should ensure that learners understand them and learners should acknowledge that they understand. If your learners cannot use the information you provide to work, it does not make sense.

In the classroom and outside the classroom, information, feelings, Ideas, and thoughts are exchanged. Where to sit and what to do during the lesson should be effectively communicated to learners. They should understand clearly the rubrics and the criteria for assessment Class rules should be clearly stated. The timetable should be handy to avoid confusion of any kind. On no account should learners be left in a dilemma. There must be an effective communication flow between the teacher and the learners.

.As a teacher, do not use what we call in quote "big words). Use words and sentences that learners can run with. Do not try to be too difficult. Explain things the way they should be. Understand and be understood as well. Do not give your learners bulky notes to write. Make your note concise and meaningful. Simplicity is the key. Remember, it is all about learning. Encourage your learners to politely tell you where they are not clear at any point in time. Help them to build that confidence. To foster mutual understanding there must be an effective communication flow.

Effective communication embraces diversity

Tony Robins said it all

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others."

The academic world is a diverse one with learners from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. That must be consciously remembered. Every teacher should endeavour to respect learners' differences in the course of communication to avoid subtle insults and victimization which might negatively affect learning. A lot is involved in effective communication. How the teacher passes the information is important but more importantly is how the learners receive the information. We can respect our diversity through positive verbal and non-verbal expressions, pictures, and so on

Can effective communication skills be learned? Yes

In agreement with Brian Tracy

"Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.

It is all about determination and hard work. Be intentional about professional development and get trained in that aspect. Study wide and attend workshops.

*There are a lot of credible online resources in that regard. Utilize them and be better*

Additional resources

(Effective communication skills: Successfully share your vision and ambition)

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