Saturday, 9 September 2023

Self and Peer assessment .What are they?

The knowledge of Assessment For Learning (AFL) informed us that learners are to be involved in the learning process. If they are to be involved in the learning process, then self/peer assessment is in order. Allowing the opportunity for Self/peer assessment is a challenge for most teachers. This may be due to some factors; poor class control, the inability of some teachers to relinquish learning powers to the learners’ belief system that only teachers can assess learners' work and lack of trust on the part of teachers.

Now, what is self-assessment? As the name implies, self - assessment in general terms is the ability to evaluate oneself, actions attitudes, or performance (dictionary meaning).

That means something should be evaluated or examined. There is work to be done.

In Education, Self-assessment is the assessment by which a learner gathers information about and reflects on his or her own learning, judges the degree to which it reflects explicitly stated goals or criteria, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and revises accordingly. It is the learner’s own assessment of personal progress in knowledge, skills, processes, and attitudes. Unesco  ( adapted from Ontario Ministry of Education).

Self-assessment stems from the confidence of learners as they are allowed the opportunity to take responsibility for their learning. When students are allowed to lead learning, their self-esteem rises. As they build up their confidence, they can be able to evaluate their actions and performances with a high level of sincerity, openness, and integrity. With the criteria provided, learners evaluate their performances. There is always a discernment on how to improve. Peer assessment is beyond learners marking each other's work; the feedback they share as they critically evaluate each other’s work has benefits for the giver and the receiver.

With self-assessment, learners become the judge of their own work

Peer assessment on the other hand is the assessment of a student’s work by another learner. There is always qualitative feedback on a learner's performance by another learner. Involving learners in assessment is crucial because, by practice, learners learn to critically evaluate their performances and that of their peers. Though both assessments are sometimes criticized especially in the areas of tampering with scores if the assessment is based on grading, their authenticity cannot be overruled.

 Peer assessment /Self-assessment is beyond learners marking their own work or each other’s work; the feedback they share as they critically evaluate their work has a  significant impact on the giver and the receiver. The bottom line is that learners help each other improve their work. which helps them understand what good work is all about.

Self- Assessment and the benefits

 Thinking about using Self-assessment? Click hereπŸ‘‰ Self-Assessment-Center for Teaching Innovation-Cornell University to learn more.

Peer Assessment and the benefits

Thinking about using Peer assessment? Click hereπŸ‘‰

Peer-Assessment-Center for Teaching Innovation-Cornell University to learn more.

Additional resource

Using Student-to-Student Peer Assessment-IOWA State University

Using Student-to-Student Peer Assess Using Student-to-Student Peer Assessment



Us Using Student-to-Student Peer Assessment

ing Student-to-Student Peer Assessment


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