Friday, 9 February 2024

Be a teachable teacher

A teachable teacher is a learning teacher It is one of the attitudes that help people to serve with purpose and humility. There is no harm in learning from others. It is a strength rather than a weakness as some may think. A teachable heart is always willing and eager to learn irrespective. A teachable spirit never cares about the status, circle of friends, age, or position. Her goal is to positively learn. The scripture recognized the power of a teachable spirit and the consequences. No wonder Proverbs 13: 18 informed us that; 

 "Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame,

 but whoever heeds to correction is honoured”

Think about the reward and the consequences here".

We lose a lot when we refuse to positively learn from others God has placed in our lives.  Do we want to remain valid and in charge of our outdated thoughts and actions? How then can we be lifelong learners when we cannot embrace the beauty of learning? It is cheaper to be willingly teachable than to learn it in a hard way. Many people have lost their jobs, positions, and recognition because they refused to learn from other people. Some have also missed promotions in regard. Of course, no reasonable business or organization will thrive with unteachable workers.

In the context of teaching and learning, this skill is not an exception. Teachers should be teachable and not assume that they know everything. Nobody can and nobody will.

Phill Collins once said – In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn”

That is true therefore there is a need to keep an open mind with learners. Listen to them as they share their views and opinions and don’t be quick to shut them down or divert attention. Be willing to engage in constructive deliberations with your learners. Accept constructive criticisms and corrections from them. View learners’ criticisms with the interest of learning at heart. Stay on course and do not divert in the course of being corrected nor should you victimize them. Use your teaching power to learn and serve. Put the power into good use for authentic learning to take place

Trade with humility and let go of pride because it goes before fall. Be teachable and not be myopic about it because you cannot climb the ladder of success without that.

A teacher once punished a student for correcting a misspelt word; The teacher was furious and raging at the learner.’ How dare you’ Do you know how long I’ve been in this profession?, the teacher asked the learner but the learner kept emphasizing the wrong spelling on the board.

What did you learn from the short story?? See you in the comment section

Wondering how to be teachable …. Here are some tips

1. Recognise that no one knows it all so you are not alone in this journey. We are all works in progress

2. Shun pride at all costs so that you and learn-Pride is cancerous. Pride is one of the major reasons people are not teachable.

 3. Learn to listen when others are talking, do not be quick to interrupt even if you know what they are saying. Give them the opportunity.

4. Ask questions, Don’t be too big or shy to do that.  Questioning skill has been a great skill even as far back as Socrates.

5. Develop a learning culture. Do not be a victim of the ‘I have arrived mindset’. Do not arrive yet keep learning. Be a lifelong learner.

6. Accept corrections with positive interest at heart.

7. Embrace constructive criticism. Do not tear your learning walls with hatred.

8 Interact and share your knowledge and experiences with others. Do not be an island

I conclude by saying: For continuous growth and development, maintain a teachable attitude. Keep it on your priority list

                                             Listen to Gregory Chahrozian-
                                      It is not what you teach, It's what kind of Teacher You Are(TEDxAUA)

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