Sunday, 28 January 2024

Dont Spin,Teach

Teaching is a careful process. It is something we plan and do; not just do.Teaching activity must take place after careful planning  so that we don't end up robbing Peter to pay Paul .

TEACHING is an intentional activity 

Therefore,what do I mean by the title ' Don't Spin, Teach'?

By that I mean that teachers should pay attention to  due  process of teaching and not rush their learners. 

Teachers  do not need to  rush as they teach but make progress  because different aspects should be covered in a lesson. 
In talking about process, 
Teaching must be  in alignment with the learning objectives  which must be clearly stated.
There must be time for introduction of the topic and students'Engagement which is crucial. The class activity or activities should be able to drive learning maximally .
Learners' interaction is important.and there must be time  for critical thinking? 
In a learning environment,teachers are not the only people involved .Learners too.They are powerful stakeholders in the academic world and must be involved.
What happens when teachers Spin their lessons ?
Learning will be rushed  and learners will be denied  the opportunity to embrace the learning process. 
Content will lead learning instead 
Teachers should understand  that teaching is beyond loading the learners with content 
It is unacceptable for a teacher to come into the classroom for a lesson and the only thing on his or her mind is to confine the learners in rows  and load them with content  .No room for learners' involvement.ALL that matters is to rush and finish the lesson .Little attention is paid to authentic learning. HOW GOOD IS THAT TO THE FUTURE?
Let me remind all that learning is not suppossed to stop at Lower Order Critical thinking  skill such as remembering and understanding but transcend to Higher Orders.
Learners can  remember, understand,  ,apply what they learned. They can compare ,contrast and  create.The 40 / 45minutes teaching time per lesson should be spread to accommodate all of these
I end with this; Be a good teacher because 
  A good education can change anyone.
   A good teacher can change  everything "

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