Saturday, 2 December 2023

Beyond your job description


Working beyond the job description is an important part of the organisational structure. Though  it may be silent in an organisation policy but it is always expected from the employee.

Most times, employees tend to stay within their job description. Some think that when they work beyond their job description, that they are being used.I don't understand that ....for real.

Going beyond the job description is where the gist is because every organisation desire workers that can add extra value. 

In the teaching profession, there is no exception. Infact,Working just within your job description as a teacher will cost you a reasonable promotion with time.

How can a teacher add extra value to his or her organisation?

As a teacher, do not be caged within your job description. Aside teaching your learners   you can do other things 

1.Voluntary learning support is a great thing in any academic institution. Learners thrive with this particular service.

Learning support encourage learners to learn in an authentic manner.With learning support,   the low and average ability learners  excel with high ability learners. In that case,every child will count and no  one is left behind.

In an academic institution where every child matters,growth is inevitable. 

2.Free professional training. As an educational leader,I have enjoyed this kind of service.It is always interesting for me to organise free training for my organisation. This is where all teachers gather together to learn about active teaching and learning skills and practices. This has helped to equip the teachers so that they can teach authentically. When teachers are improved,it automatically affect learning in

 a positive way.

3.You can mentor the learners. In mentorship programme, teachers support learners with words of encouragement that help them to navigate through the academic challenges and huddles of life.

4.Sometimes there are learners with hand writing issue.A teacher who is determined to add extra value to his or her organisation can help to arrest this

3.As a licensed driver, you can volunteer to drop off learners with the school bus if the need arise.

The list is endless.......

It is all about adding value. It is all about service

According to John C .Maxwell 

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