Friday, 16 June 2023

Recognising the baggage of life In learners-An essential skill

 Recognising the baggage of life in Learners

In our last episode, we talked about the Eclipse of learning -the shadow that masks the learning strength. Today, we are going to talk about the baggage that learners bring to the classroom. Baggage creates the shadow that masks learning.

Baggage can be in the form of sickness, loneliness, divorce or broken homes, death of a loved one, homelessness, trauma such as -rape, kidnap, physical and emotional abuse, poverty, hunger, I can go on………………….

Trials and difficulties are part of life. There is not one without an issue but there are some that are dealing with lots probably due to family orientation and environment. It is not their fault. Issues of life can be very overwhelming.

Baggage can cast a shadow on the learning potential of a learner if not properly handled. The behaviour and actions of a learner can also be negatively affected and this may mar the now and tomorrow of such learner by diminishing the light he or she is carrying.

According to Reed B. Markham,

"Future successes can be diminished by carrying baggage from the past, let go of the excess baggage".

Let me tell us something, learners with baggage do not drop the baggage at home before coming to school, they bring the baggage to the classroom. Baggage weighs heavily on learners no matter how small. We need to understand that.

.As a teacher, it is simple. You do not even need to worry about the nature of the baggage(s). You do not even need to ask the learner(s) about their issues. All you need is to simply incorporate into your plan 'the possibility of learners' coming to your classroom with the baggage of life'. Equip yourself positively with acceptance, empathy, patience, respect and hard work.

Accept the learners as they are and wear an encouraging look. Let them know you care even when you have no idea of their challenges. Help them to soar. Teach with tomorrow in view because learning is all about today and tomorrow. Remember if we destroy the learners of today, we will rub their impact on tomorrow.

Be better, act better. Do not be that careless teacher but be that builder that is ready to nurture and grow.

What out for more on active teaching and learning practices…………


Godson said...

This is well thought, educative and important aspect of teaching and learning process. Teachers always experience this baggage situation but have no proper means of dealing with it. Pointing it out here is very educative and mindful. Emotional Intelligence is another factor factor teachers should embrace and explore to enable them identify and manage baggage situations in their classroom.

My Blog for Educators said...

Emotional intelligence is crucial
I can't agree less
Thanks Godson