Thursday, 1 June 2023

Handover the learning power to the learners and quit the stage

We have seen that learners are partners in learning.

It is time to visit the active learning skills and practices to prove they are partners.

The first active learning practice is power handover. By handing over power, the teacher quits the driver’s seat and drops the learning vehicle key for the learners to drive their learning.

In our first post, we talked about quitting the driver's seat for the learners to drive their learning.You can read it in one of our episodes.

Transfer of power is a special skill and one of the greatest teaching skills. It simply means allowing the learners to take ownership of their learning. We should not deny them this. It is their learning right.

As teachers, we should not see the skill as a loss of power or weakness but as a skill that enables learners to swim in excellence. By power transfer, the teacher informs the learners that they are trusted to win. With that, learners understand that they are trusted with confidence to achieve excellence. Transfer of power does not mean learners' abandonment but is an indicator to show that they are valued partners in the learning process.

By involving learners, they are allowed to brainstorm and actively engage. They are assured that their voice and actions count. Everyone is carried along with none left behind.

With power transfer, the teacher does less talking and engages the learners with active activities.

Most teachers are reluctant to use this skill. What they do not know is that transfer of learning power boosts autonomous learning, self-discoveries and lifelong learning.

Once the learners know they can, they will not hesitate to try.

Sometimes, the fear of the unknown takes  a lot from us. I encourage you to try because it is a booster not only for the learners but for us as teachers.

Stay tuned-------Stay connected.....

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