Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Recognising the Eclipse of Learning


Eclipse of learning

This is a situation where the learning capacity of a learner is masked or delayed by circumstances. These circumstances can be environmental.

Solar Eclipse as we know occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth thereby covering the view of the sun from a small part of the Earth, partially or totally. A shadow is formed but it is temporary.

What is my message here? My message is that the eclipse of learning is caused by something, it does not just happen. The good news is that it is temporary-just for a moment. Eclipse of learning is everywhere in our classroom therefore, we cannot react to it but act accordingly to surmount it.

When a learner is having an eclipse, such learner’s learning capability may be masked and this may slow down learning for some time.

 As an educator, I have observed that some teachers react to the learners with eclipse rather than acting on the eclipse as the problem. Sometimes we tag such learners with certain tags or even harass them in class, building frustrations as if it is their fault. That has changed today because we have learned that it is not their fault.

As teachers, there is a need to focus on the eclipse and devise a possible means to remove the shadow and mask on any learner so that he or she can shine.

It is never the end of the road. All hope is not lost. Keep hope alive.

Approach the eclipse with empathy, patience and hard work. Accept the learner the way he or she is and support in every positive way you can. Show positive non-verbal expressions, read the learner's work carefully and always remember to give constructive feedback. Arrange for reinforcement if possible and seek help when necessary from your superiors. Carry the parents along and remember to keep hope alive with prayers.

Remember, every gold is hidden in the mud. The fact that it is in mud does not negate the fact that it is gold.

 Stay tuned for another important practice next week. Don't miss out👋👀👀out


Anonymous said...

The content of the post is educative

Uchenna said...

Much appreciated .Stay tuned and keep following

Nneka M said...

Keep this up.. cant wait to learn more from you.

Cheekarh said...

Great initiative.. can't wait to learn from a wonderful educator like you... Well-done!!

Betty O said...

Very educative, well done

My Blog for Educators said...

Thank you, Nneka,Chika, Betty for your inspiring comments. Well appreciated