Sunday, 12 May 2024

Give a red card to Poor handwriting

 Learning is an active process but may lack Lustre without  legible writing .Writing is one of  the ways we communicate to the world. So learners must write clearly .

The word legible is of Latin origin Legibilis meaning

  "that can be read".

This is quite emphatic  meaning that people should  be able to read what others wrote.

According to Natalie Goldberg :

if handwriting is connected to the movement of the heart, then  it shows that it is important. Therefore  it must be done properly to convey the meaning and avoid confusion and misinformation. 

Legible writing is simply the ability to write in a way others can read and understand  with ease. It  is not about the craftmanship per se but legibility .

Have you ever had trouble reading a learner's work as a teacher ? You can tell how difficult it is.

Take medical prescriptions for instance. Most of us complain about them because  we can't easily read them.

All we do is to quickly  hand over our prescription paper to the health personnel concerned. WHY? BECAUSE we don't wanna deal with the writing because it is confusing. 

Same when people don't write legibly. 

As part of teaching and learning process, teachers must ensure they emphasize and encourage their learners to write in a legible manner .

Learners love and believe in their teachers and as long as we constantly remind  them to write legibly ,it will become a culture that dominates their thinking zone and anytime there is a need to write,legible writing will hit their memory. Keep saying it.keep reminding them.Dont give up 

 Let me also remind  you that  some life / learning issues   may have a role in the handwriting appearance  but let us leave that for now.

Wondering what can  cause illegible writing-

Here are some tips

Rushing the learners - Due to poor teaching style of  loading learners with content, Some teachers dictate notes for learners  or write faster on the board in an attempt to finish the curriculum. In this case,they rush the learners .This is a common practice: For learners to meet with the demand that 'you must complete the note'before the lesson is over write  fast and poorly. Most times, punishment is given to those who did not finish their notes. To avoid the punishment; learners write excessively fast to escape the teacher's punishment. In this case, the learners goal is to finish the note even if it means writing anyhow. 

Poor sitting position- Some school desks and chairs are not properly built  to suit the age of the learners. Sometimes they are lower and higher than normal  .This affects the sitting position. Height and sizes must be considered before the construction of seats and desks to ensure that all learners are accommodated. 

Sometimes due to high class size; some learners write while standing and this will definitely affect the legibility of their writing. 

Poor class control &management 

Due to lack of proper  class management skills,some teachers do not not pay strict attention to what the learners are doing during lessons. In regard, some will be writing and playing at the same time,writing sitting on the floor , talking and writing and so on.

These actions must affect the legibility of the writing. Sometimes they even mix up issues and write out of context aside from writing rough.

Poor teacher encouragement 

Encouragement can do  wonders for any learner.A teacher should endeavour to move around  as learners are writing. He or she should encourage the learners to write clearly  and with accurate word spacing. Standing in front of the classroom from the beginning of the lesson  to the end is concerning. A concerned teacher must move around,inspect what the learners are writing , correct and encourage them to improve accordingly. 

What the teacher need to do 

Identify learners that don't write legibly. Encourage them on a daily basis. Do not quit

Encourage handwriting exercise  

Make your notes concise 

Teachers should  read and mark the learners note with constructive feedback concerning the writing. 

Ask them to rewrite if necessary  because  legible writing is not an instantaneous process. It requires practice and repetition. 

Carry your line manager and parents along to ensure a total commitment to inspiring the learners to write legibly. 

Additional resources 

Poorly legible or illegible writing?What the possible causes (Ecriture sans frontieres)

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