Thursday, 28 March 2024

Be the Teacher- Catalyst

 As an adult, mentor and teacher, I've come to realise that there were teachers who taught me and teachers who lived with me to date.

The energy and the motivation they brought to the table are part of the tools that brought me where I am today.

This is because they were my catalyst. They do not just carry the teacher portfolio but they lived it.

They were always there to speed up my learning process and today, I am grateful. 

As a teacher, one thing is for the learners to be interested in what you're teaching, another thing is for you to be interesting to make them interested in learning effectively. 

Before we delve into teacher catalyst, let us look at the word 'catalyst' .

From the perspective of science, a catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being changed or used up at the end. The same applies to the teaching profession. A teacher catalyst helps learners speed up their learning process.

As catalysts, teachers can give all without being exhausted, and without burnout. This is because they see teaching as service beyond the job. What we teach matters but more importantly is how we teach it. 

Who is then a teacher catalyst? This is a teacher who inspires learners to learn effectively so that they can practice what they learned in the real world 🌎 context. 

This kind of teacher inspires learners using the 4Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking and Creativity. ( the 4Cs have been discussed in our episodes).The teacher motivates them to learn through every hurdle of learning, ensuring they win. With a  teacher catalyst, learners understand theory and practice. They understand learning from the value angle not success like Albert Einstein said

The incredible and meaningful work of a teacher catalyst in positive change may seem out of reach. Not only do they help learners navigate through the struggles of learning, but they also pave way for the new generations of learners to positive change. This way ,adding value to the society becomes a chain reaction. 

Teacher catalyst believe in service and adding value to the learners and society. They intentionally operate from the angle of service because they know that greatness is determined by service in line with the quote of

Martin Luther King Jr.

Teacher catalyst don't just exist with their learners, they live with them.Their encouraging words revives and don't tear down. They understand learner and learning challenges and treat them with grace.
For a teacher catalyst, every learner counts.Every one matter and are all carried along in the learning process.No one is left behind. 
Teacher catalyst operate with love but never bypass discipline when necessary. They correct learners in a way that will not break but empower them.

What more can I say
Are you just an existing or a living  teacher? How will your learners remember you?
What will they remember you for?
Why not be a teacher catalyst;  so that you cause a positive change in your learners and society at large .
Be the catalyst! Be the change for the future. Do not just teach and go,find a way to support your learners. TEACH WITH PASSION. Stick your name in their hearts.

Additional  resources

  Be the catalyst  by Lauren Friedrich (TEDx)



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