Thursday, 17 August 2023

Classroom management

What is classroom management?

According to Cambridge Dictionary, It is a room in a school /College where students are taught.

In my view, it is simply a place where positive learning takes place- It is neither a battle nor a war zone.

According to byju’ ‘Management on the other hand is –defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is required for achieving the goals of an organization efficiently and effectively'.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, ‘Management is simply ‘the Control and organisation of something’.

Now what is classroom management? Online search described it as the ‘process teachers’ use to ensure that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behaviour from students compromising the delivery. It includes the prevention of disruptive behaviour preemptively (preventive), as well as effectively responding to it after it happens.

I see classroom management as the ability of a teacher to drive effective learning with (order) discipline in the classroom.

Before we proceed, let us establish that Classroom management is (vital, necessary, important, and pivotal) because it is one of the skills that make a great teacher.

Let us also establish that teaching is a tough process, and classroom management a huge task.

Let’s also establish that some learners come into our classrooms with 'war', there is always fire on the mountain……..we know all of that; but then after the challenges, what comes next; is a way out (the Solution).

How can we maintain effective classroom management? What are the tips?

There are three major factors behind effective classroom management

Teacher as a factor- As a teacher, we need to manage ourselves before we can manage our classrooms properly. Taking care of one's self is wisdom. Ensure you are in good health so that you can engage properly with no transfer of aggression. The emotional well-being of a teacher is crucial so that he/she cannot go off- tangent. Taking care of yourself in all dimensions as a teacher will help you to be prepared for the class.

Ask for help when you know that your well-being is compromised by sickness or other issue(s) of life that is beyond your control.

Maintain a healthy life balance. Remember

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create”-Jana Kingsford

Learning environment/atmosphere- A comfortable learning environment is pivotal in any learning process. Toxic environment of any kind can negatively affect learning.

Apart from the role of the school, teachers should be able to create an enabling learning atmosphere for the learners. This starts with your verbal and non-verbal expressions as your learners enter the classroom. Your welcome mode sets the tone of the learning. Ensure there are ready credible teaching and learning resources. Charts, audio, videos, texts related to the topics are available. Ensure the classroom is properly lighted and well-ventilated.No spill on the floor and electric wires are  not exposed .If there is any exposed wire, report to your line manager immediately for appropriate intervention. Your learning environment must be conducive. Be ready as a teacher and operate in a ready environment.

The next factor is the learners- these are peculiar beings that will be in the learning environment you created. Learners are not containers nor banks but active human beings capable of meaningful construction. Class management should not negate learners’ interaction but must operate in a secure and engaging environment.

The four Communication, Collaboration, critical thinking and creating should not be found wanting. Class management should be a balanced environment where learners are free to meaningfully interact, and brainstorm but not at liberty to misbehave. Discipline must be maintained as they learn.

What classroom management is not

Classroom management is not an authoritarian management where the teacher has absolute control of the classroom and the learners are arrayed as in a mortuary without freedom to actively participate. Interact nor collaborate. The focus is on the content rather than learning. That shouldn’t be because like we‘ve said, learners are human being capable of meaningful construction therefore the focus should be on learning while discipline is maintained. The teacher should use his or her skill to trigger active learning in the classroom Remember the positive effect of a properly managed classroom on learning is unimaginable.

Classroom management should not be a permissive one the learners are allowed to interact as they learn, and they are not at liberty to misbehave They should be guided to do what is right and needful, not as they wish. Remember they are not adults. Learners should not be allowed to hijack the serenity of the classroom in the name of '"interactive learning" in quote. We must strike a balance.

Permissive management can occur when the teacher is neither prepared nor ready for the lesson, with no emphasis on the essence of discipline, the teacher’s concentration is on something else either phone, computer or something personal and the learners are left unguided and unsupervised. Learners take advantage of loopholes like those We must be careful as we deliver.

Having said all of these, I believe we have drawn a good insight into classroom management. The tips are inexhaustible. Personal research and face-to-face training on this can help to widen the horizon.

Stay tuned. Don’t go away                                                                                                                                                                         

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