Saturday, 26 August 2023

Lesson plan! What are the components?

The lesson plan is one of the most essential teaching tools. Teachers cannot do without it at all. Teachers who fail to plan their lessons are planning to fail. A poor lesson plan leads to poor lesson structure and a poor lesson structure will result in poor delivery. When the lesson is poorly delivered, effective learning may not take place because the teaching will be a kind of 'cut and join 'process.

A teacher who wants a positive future for the learners must plan his or her learning.

.According to Benjamin Franklin,

If you fail to plan,

You are planning to fail-

What is a plan?

Based on the Cambridge dictionary, a plan is simply a set of decisions about how to do something in the future.

This shows that a teacher must know how to carry out his or her lesson before the lesson. That means that there is planning (process of making) before the plan so we need to get to work

Remember, it is not a rigid concept, there is always room for adjustment when necessary.

What is then a lesson plan? It is a teaching document that contains what the learners need to learn and how they can learn that effectively. It is important to identify the learning objectives before you plan your lesson. This is because every aspect of the plan is geared towards the objectives (what the learners need to learn). The lesson plan be productive –this means that though everything may not work out as planned, effective learning will take place.


Components of a lesson plan

There should be a plan for before the lesson and a plan for after the lesson

A successful lesson plan should integrate the following



Plan before the lesson

1. The learning objective is simply the 'takeaway'.What do I want them to learn, and do at the end of the class? Objectives must be clear (what, why, and how -the link to other contexts), specific, measurable, achievable, attainable relative, timely(SMART), challenging enough for all learners, and must embrace differentiation.

It must align with the Bloom's taxonomy. The objectives must transcend from the lower to the higher orders. This will inspire the learners to think critically as they learn deeply.

It is important to note that Bloom's revised taxonomy of objectives as a useful and credible resource can be used to generate achievable learning objectives.


The objectives should be written and highlighted to draw the attention of the learners to What They Need to Learn. You can use this acronym (WINL-What I Need to Learn) to keep each learner focused on what he /she needs to learn. The objectives will help you to determine the kind of learning resources and activities you will deploy in the class

2. Learning resources- involves all the resources that can enable the achievement of the stated objectives. These include audio, video, textbook, pictures diagrams credible online resources that can help to maximize effective learning. These resources must be sourced for, gathered, and ready for the class. They must be accessible for the learners under the supervision of the teacher. It will be out of place for a teacher to be running around to gather resources when the learners are already in the class. This will disrupt learning and will hinder the flow.

3. Content

·          Introduction –This is a crucial part of the plan. The beauty of introduction as part of the lesson plan depends on how the teacher wants to kick-start the lesson. A well-planned introduction helps to ignite learning curiosity. The classroom is a diverse world and as such the introduction should be planned to be able to communicate the learning objectives and actively engage learners. Prior learning is an active part of the introduction that enables learners to reflect on what they already know about the topic and their experiences about it. Prior learning gives teachers a sense of focus and helps them to ascertain how informed the learners are about a particular topic Starter is another wonderful trigger that is capable of leading learners towards the achievement of the objectives. It can be in the form of a short question, simple activity, or short video clips that is thought-provoking. Scenarios can also be painted, real-life examples. These will help to create an engaging introduction. An engaging introduction makes the learning journey easy. (Visit the post on lesson structure).


4. Learning activities

How can learners learn unless they practice? Learning activities are part of the lesson plan that promotes problem–solving ability, critical thinking, and confidence in learners. With activities, learners demonstrate their skills and what they have learned about a topic. Evidence of learning can be ascertained through class activity. Learning activities should be achievable and time-bound and must be connected to the learning objectives. Planning learning activities requires the teacher to estimate the time so that learners can be able to work with time. Learning activities should be catchy and should embrace different learning styles. It requires careful planning.

Ask yourself the following

·    What type of activities do learners need to understand this topic? ( discussion, reading a text, worksheets, presentations, demonstration, watching of videos etc

·    How many activities do I need to present?

·    What is the estimated time frame for each activity?

·    What resource(s) will they need to effectively carry out the activities

·         What learning support can I provide for learners who might have challenges during the activities?

Ensure that the resources needed to carry out the activities are provided and are accessible to the learners. Build in time for extended discussion but endeavour to touch on different aspects of the topic.

5. Assessment- This is the part of the plan that measures the learners' understanding of the topic The teacher should be able to plan how to assess his /her learners.

In planning for assessment, think about the following:

What type of assessment can be used to demonstrate the learning objectives?

What type of questions will I ask learners to check for understanding?

Will the assessment be an Individual or peer assessment?

What will be the rubrics? ( criteria to be used to measure performance )

Will there be an assignment after the assessment?

6. Plan for feedback

Will there be a provision for feedback?-Remember that this is non -non-negotiable because feedback helps learners to improve their learning-(Visit the post on Lesson structure to read more on feedback).

Note –Use traffic light method- introduction of a traffic light scheme is also an important aspect. Of lesson plan. This will help the teacher to ascertain the levels of learners' understanding. :

·    Green face means I completely understand the learning for the day

·    Yellow face I do not completely understand the learning for the day

·    Red light means 'I do not understand the learning for the day and need help

The student will indicate the traffic light that relates to them.




After the Lesson

7. Evaluation and Reflection- This is a great part of the lesson plan- With evaluation and reflection, a teacher makes provision for the examination of his activity during the lesson. It is a moment set out by a teacher to think about his or her action(s) during the lesson.

The questions are always:

Was the lesson properly delivered?

Did the learners learn effectively?

What worked well and why?

What did not work well and why?

What could I have done differently?

Do I need to reteach the lesson?

Note-Identifying what worked and what did not work well in a lesson will help teachers adjust well and improve. The lesson plan is not a rigid document, it can be revised.

Additional resources  

Strategies for effective learning

Centre for Teaching and Excellence

Learning Objective

Watch out for our next practical skill. Don't go away








Thursday, 17 August 2023

Classroom management

What is classroom management?

According to Cambridge Dictionary, It is a room in a school /College where students are taught.

In my view, it is simply a place where positive learning takes place- It is neither a battle nor a war zone.

According to byju’ ‘Management on the other hand is –defined as a process of getting the work or the task done that is required for achieving the goals of an organization efficiently and effectively'.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, ‘Management is simply ‘the Control and organisation of something’.

Now what is classroom management? Online search described it as the ‘process teachers’ use to ensure that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behaviour from students compromising the delivery. It includes the prevention of disruptive behaviour preemptively (preventive), as well as effectively responding to it after it happens.

I see classroom management as the ability of a teacher to drive effective learning with (order) discipline in the classroom.

Before we proceed, let us establish that Classroom management is (vital, necessary, important, and pivotal) because it is one of the skills that make a great teacher.

Let us also establish that teaching is a tough process, and classroom management a huge task.

Let’s also establish that some learners come into our classrooms with 'war', there is always fire on the mountain……..we know all of that; but then after the challenges, what comes next; is a way out (the Solution).

How can we maintain effective classroom management? What are the tips?

There are three major factors behind effective classroom management

Teacher as a factor- As a teacher, we need to manage ourselves before we can manage our classrooms properly. Taking care of one's self is wisdom. Ensure you are in good health so that you can engage properly with no transfer of aggression. The emotional well-being of a teacher is crucial so that he/she cannot go off- tangent. Taking care of yourself in all dimensions as a teacher will help you to be prepared for the class.

Ask for help when you know that your well-being is compromised by sickness or other issue(s) of life that is beyond your control.

Maintain a healthy life balance. Remember

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create”-Jana Kingsford

Learning environment/atmosphere- A comfortable learning environment is pivotal in any learning process. Toxic environment of any kind can negatively affect learning.

Apart from the role of the school, teachers should be able to create an enabling learning atmosphere for the learners. This starts with your verbal and non-verbal expressions as your learners enter the classroom. Your welcome mode sets the tone of the learning. Ensure there are ready credible teaching and learning resources. Charts, audio, videos, texts related to the topics are available. Ensure the classroom is properly lighted and well-ventilated.No spill on the floor and electric wires are  not exposed .If there is any exposed wire, report to your line manager immediately for appropriate intervention. Your learning environment must be conducive. Be ready as a teacher and operate in a ready environment.

The next factor is the learners- these are peculiar beings that will be in the learning environment you created. Learners are not containers nor banks but active human beings capable of meaningful construction. Class management should not negate learners’ interaction but must operate in a secure and engaging environment.

The four Communication, Collaboration, critical thinking and creating should not be found wanting. Class management should be a balanced environment where learners are free to meaningfully interact, and brainstorm but not at liberty to misbehave. Discipline must be maintained as they learn.

What classroom management is not

Classroom management is not an authoritarian management where the teacher has absolute control of the classroom and the learners are arrayed as in a mortuary without freedom to actively participate. Interact nor collaborate. The focus is on the content rather than learning. That shouldn’t be because like we‘ve said, learners are human being capable of meaningful construction therefore the focus should be on learning while discipline is maintained. The teacher should use his or her skill to trigger active learning in the classroom Remember the positive effect of a properly managed classroom on learning is unimaginable.

Classroom management should not be a permissive one the learners are allowed to interact as they learn, and they are not at liberty to misbehave They should be guided to do what is right and needful, not as they wish. Remember they are not adults. Learners should not be allowed to hijack the serenity of the classroom in the name of '"interactive learning" in quote. We must strike a balance.

Permissive management can occur when the teacher is neither prepared nor ready for the lesson, with no emphasis on the essence of discipline, the teacher’s concentration is on something else either phone, computer or something personal and the learners are left unguided and unsupervised. Learners take advantage of loopholes like those We must be careful as we deliver.

Having said all of these, I believe we have drawn a good insight into classroom management. The tips are inexhaustible. Personal research and face-to-face training on this can help to widen the horizon.

Stay tuned. Don’t go away                                                                                                                                                                         

Friday, 11 August 2023

Beyond Teaching


As a scholar of “teach beyond the classroom”‘.  I am sharing this personal practice with you.  As a Christian educator, I have deployed this for many years and it works. Somebody may be wondering what I  am talking about. It is simple. I am talking about  ' praying for our learners'.

Taking a moment to pray for our learners in our closet is one of the investments we can make in them. By praying for our learners, you don’t need to be loud nor let your right or left hand know. You just need to quietly intercede on their behalf.

Intercession is a voluntary active practice where we pray for the welfare of others instead of ourselves.

According to James  5: 16

The above means that there is great power in fervent prayers and the positive outcome is huge.

It is never a vain thing nor blah blah blah. It works as long as we pray in God's will.

Interceding for our learners will enable us to make positive declarations in their lives. Yes, we have busy schedules, I understand that, but praying for our learners is crucial.

This is because when they fail, we have nothing to gain. When they win, we win together. These learners are wonderfully made. Remember.                                   

Praying for our learners will not cost us anything. Therefore, as a service to humanity, I encourage us all to nurture the attitude of praying for our learners.

Watch out for our next episode. Don't go away

Thank you

Friday, 4 August 2023

Lesson structure, an important teaching aspect

 Lesson structure

These are clear steps that need to be achieved in a lesson. Yes, flexibility is allowed but we must ensure we don’t go off the teaching and learning norms just for the sake of flexibility.

What is then a lesson structure? The structure showcases the steps to be followed and achieved in a lesson. It is the pattern through which a lesson is effectively delivered.

A good lesson structure must involve learning engagement, expectations, and positive outcomes because learners will be constructing meaning.

Features of a good lesson structure

The picture above shows the possible practices that can be found in a lesson structure. A teacher must set up an engaging atmosphere before the learners arrive in the classroom. The date must be displayed. It is important

Welcoming learners into our classrooms is an important teaching aspect. This should be done with positive verbal and non-verbal expressions. A warm welcome enables our learners to settle with a positive start. Avoid mean faces because they scare away our learners and might introduce fear in them. Making learners feel welcome communicates acceptance and safety. The first impression matters.

Introduction of the Lesson- The way a lesson is introduced has a significant impact on the learning process and outcome. A proper lesson introduction sets the right learning tone and ushers learners into the topic with an engaging spirit. With lesson introduction, learners' attention is brought to the date, topic of the lesson, objectives, and starter.

Communicate the importance of the objectives and how useful they can be to the learners in the real-life context. Talk about the topic and refer to the previous one. Using starters can be of great help to trigger their curiosities. It can be used to introduce a new topic, recap, or draw attention to the previous topic. Videos (audio-visual) pictures, diagrams, and images, can be used in the introduction section. All these help to form a talking point where learners share their opinions and ideas.

Class discussion can also form an interesting introduction point. It promotes critical thinking skills as learners discuss and delve into the topic of the day tremendously. Short questions can be used to generate discussion. Giving learners a reference text to read is also a meaningful way to generate discussion. This can be in their textbook and from a credible resource online related to the topic.

Depending on the subject and the topic, these are always great ways to introduce your lesson to the point of meaningful engagement and learning, Find out what positively works.

Give the learners a task. Task(s) are important aspects of teaching and learning. How will they know unless they practice? Give them work to do. Never mind, they are human beings, they have brains that can think. Avoid the temptation of loading them with content so that you can finish your lesson as fast as possible. Remember, the goal is for authentic learning to be achieved. As you give them a task, endeavour to display the rubrics, let them know what to do, and the learning expectation. They also need to understand the criteria for assessment.

You are the teacher, you know the best task that fits your lesson but ensure they are capable of promoting critical thinking skills. Ensure you move around as learners perform their tasks. Maintain discipline. Allow time for critical thinking. This is crucial.

Work assessment- The task must be assessed. It can be an individual assessment, peer assessment, or teacher assessment- whichever. Ensure that assessment criteria are clearly stated in the rubrics.

Feedback – This is an essential tool. With feedback, you are telling the learner that you have read and understood his or her work. You are celebrating the areas where great strengths were shown and at the same time ready to support and help him or her improve in the weak areas. It is like a soothing balm. An energizer. With constructive feedback, learners are empowered to be lifelong learners