Friday, 14 July 2023

Empathy; an integral part of who we are as teachers


  Empathy Is powerful, 

Teachers must embrace it

What is empathy and why the so much noise about the skill? This is because it is a necessity and not a luxury. A key aspect of emotional intelligence, crucial in all human relationships. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Empathy is the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it will be like to be in that situation.

With empathy, teachers pay attention and share in the feelings of their learners to make life a bit easy for them. From the perspective of neuroscience, the human brain is wired for empathy, because our survival depends on it. So it is a must-grab.

Through the lens of empathy, teachers see, understand and show concern for their learners. Not only these but as well deal with their learners in such a way they will not lose focus on learning.

Let us not forget that some learners come into our classroom with baggage(s) and there is a need for teachers as the contact point to show compassion. This will help to give them a safe landing.

As far back as 1969, Psychologist Carl Rogers described empathy as the most potent factor and an integral part of whom we are as teachers, meaning that teachers cannot be separated from the skill.

We need to intentionally understand our learners with their situations because understanding will enable us to build a wall of compassion around them.

However, it is important to emphasise the need for teachers to be self-full. There is a need to understand ourselves, as well as the conditions of those around us. This is because a personal understanding of self will help us to reach out to others authentically. We have to fill up ourselves with love and compassion before we can give out to our learners. Empathy is an act of love. We can't afford to lose it.

How important is empathy in learning?

Empathy helps to step -down the pressures especially when it concerns learners with baggage(s). With compassion, learners will have a comfortable platform, to begin with and thrive.

You can never underestimate the positive feeling that comes with empathy. From my years of experience as a teacher, it is magical. Just like a soothing balm.

Empathy opens and promotes meaningful communication. Through communication leaner -teacher relationship kindle. Communication promotes understanding.

Empathy helps us to build connections with our learners.

It helps learners to unburden themselves emotionally

Empathy helps us to develop the compassion to help others

Empathy helps teachers to listen attentively to learners without negative non-verbal expressions. We all can tell how withdrawn we can be in the presence of someone without compassion.

Research has shown that when people are treated with concern, their wholeness sprouts. Therefore I encourage us to live and spread empathy.

How can a teacher apply empathy?

The acronym, E.M.P.A.T.H.Y (a powerful seven steps for understanding and increasing empathy) by Dr..Helen Riess below said it all

 Adapted from Helen Riess (TEDx Middlebury)

The second  video  above is provided for more insight into the acronym

The world does not only revolve around us. Endeavour to show concern for others.

Let your learners see the world through your eyes.

Imagine the negative impact on our learners when empathy is missing in our portfolio.

Note-EMPATHY comes easy to some people than others. Perhaps you don't have empathy or don't know how to show it. No worries. Empathy can be learned. There are credible online resources and courses in regard.

A must-read resource

The Empathy Effect by Dr .Helen Riess .Available @ Harvard book store- 

Harvard Book Store

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