Saturday, 21 September 2024


"Dressing is an important part of human existence. It is how you p
resent yourself. The image you project with your dress has much to say about you. Dressing reflects you, and that reflection will determine how you will be addressed. No wonder the saying "Dress how you want to be addressed." Everyone wants to be properly addressed, but most times the look says the opposite

The manner and how a teacher dresses have much to say about the teacher and profession. By dressing appropriately, a teacher creates and reflects a positive, welcoming, and professional image that sets him/her as a role model for the learners.

 Most schools have a dress policy that must be respected. This policy may involve a color code to distinguish staff members from visitors. This should be respected. Also, the dressing should respect the school activity days such as sports day and culture day. In most Nigerian schools, teachers are expected to look sporty on sports days and traditional on culture and national day.


 You do not need to buy expensive materials to look great. You just need to be smart in your choices and combinations. Footwear must allow quick movement in case of emergency.

- Dress in a way that will portray

Do not be weary in your look. Appear ready for the job.

- Dress in a way that will promote 

and not in a way that will draw the attention of the learners away from the main thing. Remember, the focus should be on learning, not on you.

What to avoid in teacher dressing:

- Dressing should not be

 — unnecessarily colourful and shiny. Be modest and professional..

- Dressing should not be 

. Avoid dressing in a way that can put learners, colleagues, and people off. The dress should not be revealing. Remember, teachers are role models — our learners are watching."


Monday, 16 September 2024

Integrity is an essential quality that is crucial to have. A life without integrity is insignificant and lacks meaningful purpose. Integrity is a fundamental force in personal life, family, organizations, and society as a whole. In the Cambridge Dictionary, integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change. This is a trait admired in all aspects of life.

I perceive integrity as being godly and Christ-like in all our endeavors, where words and actions align rather than diverge. A life of integrity is as strong as a lion yet gentle as a dove. It is not associated with disrespect, dishonesty, harassment, insults, division, racism, or conflict. It encompasses love, honesty, respect, responsibility, teachability, temperance, humility, hard work, empathy, kindness, awareness, trustworthiness, uprightness, gratitude, discipline, consistency in words and actions, and more.

Now, let's consider the integrity of teachers and why it is important. Having been a teacher for a long time, I have witnessed the impact of teachers on their students and the entire teaching and learning community, both positively and negatively. Teachers serve as role models, and it is crucial to consider the behaviours and values they are modelling.

What is teacher integrity? This refers to the values and ethical principles that guide a teacher’s professional conduct. A teacher living a life of integrity must reflect that in his or her practice without a doubt because what you have is what you will give.


 Honesty, fairness, and accountability- A teacher with integrity should be able to provide truthful information to the members of the academic community; learners, parents, and the school. Teachers must give accurate scores, meaning that grading must be transparent. No teacher is allowed to deflate or inflate scores in favour of a learner at the expense of another. Learners must be treated uniquely with equal opportunities to succeed without victimization. Dialogue and the promotion of a sense of belonging are also essential. A teacher with integrity takes responsibility for his or her actions, ensuring that he or she acts positively, knowing that positive and negative actions result in positive and negative consequences.

Academic integrity: A teacher who possesses integrity values and upholds academic honesty. They prioritize the integrity of the profession and view it as an honor to do so. A teacher with integrity understands that the role of a teacher is larger than the individual and must be safeguarded.

 Teachers  with integrity should foster an environment of respect, embracing diversity and recognizing different learning styles. They should also prioritize hard work and commitment, understanding that success is a result of sustained effort and dedication. These values enable teachers to continuously improve their skills and better serve the teaching and learning community

As a teacher, it is essential to prioritize personal and professional development as a matter of urgency. Change is constant, and therefore, personal and professional growth should never be postponed. In John C. Maxwell’s book "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth page 11, line 12, it is stated,

I fully agree that it is indeed a trap that should be avoided. Teachers with integrity should have a strong commitment to lifelong learning as it leads to self-awareness and ultimately, greatness. It is important to attend seminars, workshops, and even consider going back to school if necessary. Teacher integrity allows for the continuous need for personal and professional growth.

A disciplined life reflects a teacher’s integrity, as Jim Rohn said, “

Discipline helps a teacher to set boundaries to actions, knowing the right thing to do, how and when to do it. It involves a controlled character, discipline in thoughts, words, and actions. It is a conscious effort to train oneself to do good. A life of discipline saves one from trouble.

Reflection, or reflective practice, is an important growth mindset activity that reflects teacher integrity. It is only in the atmosphere of integrity that a teacher can pause for a moment to evaluate actions, make necessary amendments, and improve. When teachers purposefully reflect, it helps them to think meaningfully to positively inform their actions and practices. Find a suitable positive thinking place for yourself for significant improvement in your profession and life as a whole.

Building a positive school culture requires strong teacher integrity as it has a significant impact on education and promotes trust from all members of the teaching and learning community: learners, parents, and the school. So, embrace integrity if you don’t have it.


       For personal growth and development :

Is a must read.Check out Amazon 





Saturday, 7 September 2024

Teacher-honour:Why it matters


As a teacher, excellence begins with self-honour. Sometimes we tend not to notice that until we honour ourselves as teachers, respect will not come our way.

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, self-respect is simply -'a proper respect for oneself as human being’ It went further to say 'regard for one’s own standing or position'.

Do you know that you are not an ordinary teacher but a human being carefully created by God to be a teacher? Why do you not carry yourself with dignity?

Teacher honour is simply the respect, value, and importance that you place on yourself and your well-being as a teacher. It has much to do with your self-belief, how you see and represent yourself.

Your image and how you present yourself will go a long way to determine how people will respect you so it starts with you.

Sometimes when teachers say that people don’t honour and respect them, my immediate question is always: Do you respect yourself? Most times this question is left unanswered because most do not even know how to respect themselves. They believe they are nothing but ordinary, not worthy of honour.

That narrative has to change because teaching is a noble profession, and teachers are noble people. Until you learn to honour yourself, it is rare for anybody to honour you.

A teacher should respect himself or herself in all dimensions - physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. The level of respect that some of us show ourselves as teachers is one reason why the profession is not honoured by some people. Many see teachers as poor and the profession as undignified instead of noble. I want to emphasize that teaching is the most powerful profession on the planet, and teachers are unique because of the significant role they play in society across all occupations.

It's important how we conduct ourselves as teachers. A teacher should act and work with dignity. Value yourself, knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Do not settle for less. Say no to wrongdoing like examination malpractice and other vices that can be found in the profession.

Be spiritually attuned by prioritizing a connection with God. It is essential to have a clear understanding of your own identity and to acknowledge your belongingness, as all aspects of life are closely linked to one's sense of self. For further insights, refer to our previous episode on 'Teacher Identity'.

Self-care is essential for our well-being. It is important to prioritize self-care. A healthy body is crucial for optimal functioning, so it is important to eat well, exercise, and get enough rest. Regular health check-ups for eyes, ears, teeth, blood pressure, and sugar levels are also important.

Additionally, it is important to dress professionally and present oneself well. The first impression matters, so it's important not to undermine the profession with a poor appearance. (Remember, you don't have to appear expensive to look good). I once had someone question whether I was a teacher or a banker at a conference because of my professional appearance. I believe it's important to represent the teaching profession well by dressing and acting professionally.

Emotionally, it's important to maintain a positive outlook and high emotional intelligence. Understanding our strengths and weaknesses and managing our emotions is crucial for effective functioning as a teacher. With emotional intelligence, we can relate to others authentically and understand their behaviors. It's important not to let our past define us and to focus on a bright future.

For more insight on Emotional Intelligence, click on the links below and watch the video

What is emotional intelligence and how does it apply to the workplace?

Why Emotional Intelligence is Important in Leadership

Cast off negative thoughts and beliefs, and do not settle for less. Be who God says you are, not who people say you are. Do not stay around negative people, people who tear you down or abuse you in any way. Surround yourself with people who encourage you. Do not dwell in the past; move beyond it and do not let it define you. Forgive yourself to avoid guilt and shame. Refuse to carry the burden of unforgiveness, as it's too heavy to make a significant impact. Speak positively to yourself and about your future. Do not belittle yourself.

Get professional help if you need it; remember your mental health is crucial, without it, your actions will not be meaningful.


 Part of honouring yourself is to improve as a teacher. Be a lifelong learner and commit to personal and professional growth. Stay informed, don't become obsolete, and attend trainings, seminars and workshops. Professional development is a way to honour yourself as a teacher. When you are uninformed, it can lead to low self-esteem and loss of respect. Be open to learning and stay teachable, and engage positively with others.

Integrity- Honour your values and say no to wrongdoing such as examination malpractice, bribery, and the like. Remember, it hurts to say yes when you need to say no. Lack of integrity can jeopardize an entire society.

Above all, serve and give back to society. Do not withhold because 

We cannot cover all aspects of self-honor here, but know that you can act and work excellently when you respect yourself."

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Teacher Identity :Why It Matters


The concept of teacher identity is vital to effective teaching and learning. Teacher identity encompasses a teacher's values, beliefs, actions, and experiences, and how these aspects inform their practice and sense of self. It is a dynamic concept that evolves as teachers research, learn, gain experiences, reflect on their practices, and interact with learners, colleagues, and members of teaching and learning communities.

Several factors can influence teacher identity, including personal experiences, family and educational background, culture, beliefs, and societal influences. A teacher's identity can be either positive or negative. With a positive identity, teachers are passionate about teaching, dedicated to students' learning and well-being, and committed to providing an inclusive learning environment. Developing a positive teacher identity involves reflection, collaboration, and engagement in professional learning communities.

Although teacher identity can be challenging at times, it is a force that shapes teachers' behavior, actions, and practices. It informs their strengths and helps them address their weaknesses.


1. How do you perceive yourself as a teacher?

2. How do you present yourself?

3. What are your strengths and how do you utilize them?

4. How do you work on your weaknesses?

5. How informed are you?

6. Are you up-to-date or outdated?

7. How committed are you to pedagogical approaches and practices?

8. How do you handle learner and collegial relationships?

Discovering and understanding your identity as a teacher is crucial, as it shapes who you are and how you represent yourself in the educational field.