Saturday, 18 November 2023

Spark your learners with Project- Based Learning


Antonio Chekhov once said that "Knowledge is of no value unless you  put it into practice "

Then ,why are we still loading our learners with content? Why are we so engaged with traditional method of teaching? How far have we gone with the passive teaching method?

Is is not time to allow our learners to practice what they learned?

Why can't we give  them that opportunity to practice?

Why can't we embrace Project-based learning?

What is Project-based learning (PBL)?

This is the type of learning  that give learners the opportunity to connect with their environment. It is a great way to teach because students learn from their experiences. 

With Project-based learning, learners can make a product or render a service.

Making your teaching Project-based does  not mean that your learners should buy expensive materials .Simple materials in the environment can get it done.

Wondering how to kick-start with Project-based learning, here are  some tips 

Depending on your subject,learners can use materials as simple as cartons ,cardboards, papers to do wonders. 

As a biology educator,my learners do campaign. sometimes, I can tell them to design a poster to warn their friends against the dangers of poor waste management in the kitchen. You need to be specific. 

They can design a poster to promote environmental sanitation . Carry out a project on how to improve water supply in their school 

Design warning signs to encourage people to pay attention to such signs to avoid accidents. 

They can make red blood cell ,Kidneys, write a song about cell.The list is endless. 

Communicate with your learners appropriately .Let them know what to do.

Benefits of PBL

1.PBL outperformed the traditional method of teaching  because it promotes active engagement  which promotes authentic learning 👌 

2.PBL involve learners in real world problems that can lead to real problem solving. Therefore it promotes problem-solving ability. 

3.With PBL, learners think critically as they embrace their tasks.

4.It encourages student engagement and connectedness. 

5.Team work is enhanced 

6.PBL promotes excellence. WHEN handling a project, learners make mistakes   learn and improve. In that way, confidence is also enhanced. 

Do not waist  your 40 or 45 minutes talking.Get your learners actively engaged .Be project oriented .

Additional resources 

7 Examples of Project-based learning

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Spark your learners with Research -based Learning





 Solution sees Research-based Learning as a "framework that helps to prepare students to be lifelong inquirers and learners".

Cambridge University Press view it as a learning-by-doing approach.

Both of these definitions have far-reaching positive effects on learning. For example, in the case of preparing learners to be lifelong inquirers and learners, students continue to study, ask questions and seek to learn new things. They keep studying and never retire even when they leave school. With learning by doing, learners transcend beyond the theoretical level of learning to practice. As quoted by Thomas Fuller,

" Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key to it"

Research-based learning is an important Active Teaching and Learning Practice. It is a type of teaching practice that allows learners to begin with a curious mindset. With curiosity, learners critically think to find answers. It may be to find something new or discover ways to improve an existing one. This type of learning requires resources, materials and reference texts to explore relevant information, questions and challenges. Research-based learning questions passive teaching and learning but encourages learners to construct meaning. The approach improves the quality of learning and enables problem-solving ability in learners.

 In this type of learning, learners learn how to be a" productive society, not consumer society ".This is because it moves learners from their comfort zone to an active learning zone where critical thinking, brainstorming, and life-long learning thrive. One of the problems of our society today is that learners are moulded in teacher-colonized classrooms and are not trained to take responsibility for their learning. Learners leave school without a curiosity mindset. They prefer to regurgitate what was passed to them by the teacher instead of thinking.

Tell me how a society can transition from a consumer to a productive society where learners and school leavers need more time to be ready to stretch their thoughts, search, question options and continue learning.

As an educator, I realised that theory and practice are essential. My learners are constantly allowed to conduct research. 

As teachers, do not assume that the learning approach is restricted to tertiary institutions. Primary and

secondary learners can. They have the brain that can think. Just give them something within their age bracket and you will be amazed at the extent they can go.

.There is a need for a shift of paradigm and perspectives to meaningful teaching and learning practices like PBL so that learners can embrace lifelong inquiry and learning.

Help your learners to keep their minds open because 

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."-----Malcolm Forbes

 Thinking about the benefits of research–based learning. Here are some tips

.    Critical thinking is enhanced as learners engage in research-based learning because they have to think to work the process to answer. This kind of learning does not give room for regurgitation of information but requires deep thoughts, findings and actions.

    Research-based- learning helps learners to be deeply involved in the learning process as they take charge of the learning. Credible resources, materials and reference texts are intentionally studied while searching. Learning skills and knowledge are enhanced

.    Promotes problem-solving ability because new things are discovered and the existing ones can be improved upon via research-based learning. The great improvements witnessed in the digital and electronic world result from research-oriented learning. What about the field of medicine? The recent discovery of the Coronavirus vaccine that brought relief to the disease that globally took away millions of lives in 2020 was a result of research.

   It promotes curiosity- With this type of learning, learners ask questions, and they ask why??/

Wondering how to deploy research-based learning, here are some tips

  • .Decide to step aside and allow learners to take responsibility for their learning. Say no to teacher–centered learning. Be the facilitator and the guide. Do not hijack learning.
  •     Build trust and believe that your learners can learn through research because you can only allow such an opportunity if you believe that they are capable
  •  Open the door to the 4Cs:  Communication, Collaboration, Critical       thinking, and creativity.  

These skills have been explained in some of our episodes.

  •   Embrace learners' engagement and allow your learners to brainstorm. Do not shut them down
  •  Pick the topic, challenge, and question for exploration. Let the learners know what they are working on. Be precise. Communicate with your learners and allow them to be involved.

Additional resources

What is Research-based learning

Research-based learning

Stay tuned................................

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Unconditional love,a special teaching technique

Unconditional love is an active practice which is very important in our lives. In learning platforms. It is one of the practices that help learners to navigate through the huddles of learning. 

Most times, we teachers tend to love high-ability learners more.No, that should not be so. We should endeavour to love our learners equally and unconditionally. By loving them unconditionally,I mean loving them with agape love. 

What is agape love? This is the kind of love that is selfless and unconditional. It comes with lots of encouragement, empowerment, and support for learners. It is a decisional kind of love and not emotional. You don’t need to see or get something to give something positive.

Agape love-oriented teachers add value to their learners without having to expect anything in return. They make conscious effort to support their learners and offer excellent practices to help them succeed in their academics.

With agape love, Teachers correct learners properly and ensure they give elevating feedback and not the one that will destroy them. The imperfections and flaws in learners do not scare unconditional teacher lovers because they have already seen the light at the end of the tunnel. When we love unconditionally, we build hope and faith which are essential tools in the journey of life.

As an educator, I have seen that love is the greatest gift I can give to my learners. I have  also seen learners with flaws and different kinds of baggage thrive because they are loved. In today's diverse and global educational setting, unconditional love is the key. Embrace it and do the needful. Endeavor to leave an indelible mark in the lives of your learners. Let them know that you are proud to have them

No wonder BeBe Winans said that “unconditional love liberates; love is the  reason why I do  what I do and so it is the greatest gift we have"

How do learners feel when agape love is involved?

 They feel valued, wanted, and trusted to deliver.  When they feel valued and trusted, they will be empowered to take responsibility for their learning. It all begins from the place of love .

Wondering how to practice agape love in your classroom, Here are some tips

Self-love- you have to love yourself and the teaching profession to an overflow so that you can have enough to pour into your learners

Understand that agape love is not an emotional kind of love but a decisional one.This will give you the enablement to intentionally show this kind of  love to your learners

Understand that it 💯 % unconditional and can be quite demanding sometimes. 

Be conscious of diversity .Know  that unconditional love is the language  to embrace diversities. 

Go with patience as you love your learners. Work hard and be ready to support. 

Equip yourself. Ensure you grow personally and professionally. Be a lifelong learner.

Ensure that the words you use are loving and supportive 

Finally love your learners unconditionally .Watch out for our next episode.........